My Books
RAW NATURE: Behind The Scenes – My Books
For today’s blog post, I would like to take a moment to introduce you to one of my favourite books in my collection:
Born To Ice
Paul Nicklen

The book
To say Paul Nicklen has been at the very forefront of my photographic and conservation influences for a long time would be a massive understatement!
This book, which I must admit to being guilty of not having browsed for a while, which is a crime in itself, is just sublime!

These small excerpts from this book cannot possibly do it justice.
For one, this book is positively massive, the very definition of a coffee table photography book if there ever was one!
The photography is truly beyond world class, a mixture of the brutal reality of nature and the sheer beauty of nature, juxtaposed against each other.

A mixture of black and white and colour images, with huge double spread images spread throughout the book from the very beginning, really help to paint the picture of what it means to be a conservation photographer.

For me, it is if I ever need it, a perfect reminder of why I started on this path myself, to even come close to achieving the greatness and impact of a single one of Paul’s images, would be my greatest achievement yet…