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RAW NATURE: Behind the Scenes – Ultralight Camera Solutions

As a recently appointed brand ambassador for Ultralight Camera Solutions, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the kit I use and why I think it is unbeatable!

When I started my serious journey into underwater photography, having used a compact camera in an underwater housing for a few years, I made the decision to jump up to using my DSLR for this. As this was a long term investment, I decided to buy into the best equipment I could afford at the time. Whilst researching the possibilities available to me, I discovered what was then known as Ultralight Camera Systems.

Reading up on the equipment produced by ULCS, I decided to invest in a large selection of their equipment. To this day, I have so far bought 4 8″ arms, 6 double clamps and 2 triple clamps. This may not sound like much, but to me as an aspiring photographer, this equipment has been a defining difference in my capabilities.

Reading up on the equipment produced by ULCS, I decided to invest in a large selection of their equipment. To this day, I have so far bought 4 8″ arms, 6 double clamps and 2 triple clamps. This may not sound like much, but to me as an aspiring photographer, this equipment has been a defining difference in my capabilities.

For one thing to say this equipment is nearly indestructible would seem to me to be a massive understatement! I have had this same equipment for the last 5 years or so and it barely has a scratch on it! This is despite putting my equipment and myself through as.much as the sea can throw at me, I for one have definitely come off worse!

The other thing that I love, is the shear versatility that the ULCS products allow me. This gives me the tools I need to push boundaries with my photography. I have many more projects lined up for the near future, involving more ULCS equipment, I look forward to sharing the results with you all!

Lastly, I would like to say how grateful I am to Ken Kollwitz for the opportunity and for placing his trust in me as a brand ambassador…